Long years ago when Time magazine first place in the Gadget Motorola Android phone Droid and it's first serious competition between the iPhone and Android be considered, Nmygzrd taste the apple flavor of success.However, Apple iPad project successfully returned to the peak.Time magazine says about the iPad: "This is the first in the history of computers Tblt not touch, but easily could be said had been their most successful."IPad also sell 3 million in the first months of this Tblt press release headline overnight allocated to it and wrote that "Apple has decided to transform the world Tblt."
According to the magazine Time and reference year 2010 was fruitful for Apple, just Apple MacBook Air offers its 11-inch, which is rated fourth, and the other hand, iPhone 4 with all characters and the Hadith rank sixth and Apple TV Ratings also has won the seventh.
Google also has had a good year and Smartphone Samsung brand Galaxy S. Second prize in its own right.
NEXUS hand Google a list of the fifth rank and above has the iPhone 4 is located and the year 2010 can be called Android phones.With this interpretation of this list represents a good competition and growth of Apple and Google.
2011 years between the two companies compete furiously Google and Apple and Google will supply the NEXUS Tblt S. and Android Motorola and Apple released the following year iPad 2 port with SD card and camera will be positioned against time.These competitors are the Toshiba laptop screen with two separate game console from Microsoft Kynkt who are in eighth and the ninth time to add.
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